What Does A Marketing Consultant Do?

What Does A Marketing Consultant Do?

September 18, 20242 min read

A Marketing Consultants job is to optimize the results you get from your marketing efforts. But what does this look like exactly?

As a business owner, one of your main goals is to be making money. To make this happen, you focus the majority of your time on money generating activities. Then, you invest that money back into the business on people and systems who can make you more money. Sounds easy enough right?

It should be! Except it’s not. You're investing time, money, and effort into people, resources, and ideas, yet the results aren't there. Ads generate no real leads, and the company you hired seems to fall short of delivering the expected ROI. You’re consistently posting on social media, but while some posts get traction, no one is clicking off the platform to engage further.

You’ve tried countless things, but they haven’t played out as planned, leading to missed deadlines, postponed goals, and dwindling confidence in your ability to achieve your business vision.

So, what’s going wrong?

It’s Not What You Do, It’s How You Do It

Our experts talk to business owners every single day, and although the conversations may vary, the root problem remains the same. Your lack of results is not because of WHAT you’re doing. It’s HOW you’re doing it.

Let me explain:

Marketing is like farming. You can’t just plant a seed and expect it to grow without the right care. Each seed needs different amounts of water, sunlight, and the right conditions to thrive, or your efforts will be wasted.

Marketing works the same way. Just posting, putting up a website, or running an ad won’t boost your revenue unless you understand and provide exactly what it needs to succeed.

Hence our saying: Successful marketing is not about WHAT you do, it’s HOW you do it.

Once you understand this, the key question becomes: how can you consistently generate predictable marketing results?

That’s where we come in. A Marketing Consultant:

  • Diagnosis the Real Problem, Finding Out WHY You're Not Getting Results

  • Then, Creates or Optimizes a Marketing Plan, Customized to Be the Most Efficient Path to Hit Your Goals with the Resources You Have Available to You

  • AND Provides Support, Feedback, and Training to Ensure Your Plan is Being Applied Correctly & Effectively

Our methodology gives YOU back the control of your business revenue. So that you can hit deadlines, surpass goals, and keep the vision of your company in YOUR hands.

Are you ready to get back in the driver’s seat?

If so, you can click here to get started by scheduling a call with one of our experts.

OR, you can click here and read more about the transformation our framework has brought to countless business owners, as well as what it can do for you.

Email jasmine@spiritualstartups.com with any questions or concerns.

Jasmine Lathery, Founder and CEO of Spiritual Startups

Jasmine Lathery

Jasmine Lathery, Founder and CEO of Spiritual Startups

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