About Spiritual Startups

Inside Spiritual Startups: Our Vision, Mission, and Strategy

September 12, 20247 min read

“Marketing isn’t just about WHAT you do, it’s about HOW you do it.” - Jasmine Lathery, Founder of Spiritual Startups


What would you do if HOW to make money wasn’t an issue in your business?

If instead, you took the power back into your hands, generated consistent, predictable revenue, and increased your clientele as YOU choose.

Hi there, I’m Jasmine Lathery, Founder and Owner of Spiritual Startups, the leading Marketing Consulting Company in Tampa Bay.

But, what does this mean? What is a Marketing Consultant?

This is one of the top questions we get, so I thought I’d answer it for you.

A Marketing Consultant is someone who works personally with business owners in creating customized marketing plans/ strategies to hit both their short and long term business goals.

I like to say that while a Business Coach can help you put the gears in place, a Marketing Consultant is who gives you the oil and power needed to get those gears moving. Because you can't run a business without generating a consistent and predictable revenue flow into it.

Yet, so many business owners have lists of unmet goals and results that fall way short of their expectations, leaving them with a single question:

What’s going wrong?

What’s Going Wrong?

Here’s what I’ve noticed: the top problem in marketing is not a lack of ideas, it’s the lack of personalism.

Let me explain; most companies, including yours I'm sure, invest tons of time and money into marketing that ends up generating little or inconsistent results.

This is because, a majority of the time, you’re putting your resources into advice, hands-on help, or techniques that come as “one size fits all”. In other words, it’s being done because an “expert” said it worked before with a company that was not yours.

Sometimes the examples of their success doesn’t even align with your business model, stage, or target audience. Yet, they suggest applying it anyway, leaving you confused and lacking results.

This doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work at all, it simply means the tactic didn’t consider the things that make your business unique. Your niche, audience, resources, stage of business, strengths, and so much more are vital to a successful marketing plan.

Applying tactics without these details is a waste of time and money. Plus, it can make a business owner feel distracted, discouraged, or even unmotivated to continue pursuing their business goals.

Because marketing isn’t just about WHAT you do, it’s about HOW you do it.

Spiritual Startups

Vision -

Our vision here at Spiritual Startups is to help entrepreneurs embrace their God-given purpose, reignite their passion, and inspire positive change in the world around them.

We do this by giving business owners the personalized planning and ongoing support needed to generate consistent, predictable revenue from their marketing .

Because the less stress you have around making money, the more you can focus on what you do best.

We’re proud to say that every success story we are a part of helps contribute to a world where people feel motivated, fulfilled, and hopeful about the future.

Who will your success story inspire?

Core Values -

It’s not knowledge alone that contributes to our accomplishments, but also our values. Here are some of the things we prioritize here at Spiritual Startups that positively impact the relationships within our community:

  1. God 1st - “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” For us, business is about more than money, it’s about purpose. Keeping God at the center of our vision and mission brings wisdom and clarity to all decision making because we know Phillipians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”.

  2. Candor - Honesty and transparency should be a value for everyone, especially those in the marketing industry. We prioritize communication of goals, plans, plausibility of outcomes, and extent of knowledge because it reinforces the foundation of trust that every client deserves to have with their marketing expert. We don’t guess that we can help you, we know.

  3. Being Hungry for Achievement - We want you to win, because when you win, we win, your employees win, your family wins, your clients win, and the people around them win too! We are passionate about your success because joy and triumph are contagious, and everyone deserves to experience it.

  4. Have an Unwavering Commitment to Excellence - “There’s more to planting than putting a seed in the ground”. We don’t want you to just get results. We want you to surpass your goals, start hitting heights that you didn’t even think possible for yourself. We don’t want to JUST be good, we want to be excellent.

  5. Be Humble - new information is coming up every day. The truth is, we’ll never know every new thing or understand every industry. That’s why every member of our team is working to both recognize that we’ve all got more to learn and keep a commitment to growing our education through courses, research, and more educational pursuits.

How We Work -

Our framework delivers results that most marketing professionals struggle to achieve.

Why? Because we never guess or rely on surface-level trends.

Instead, we build strategies based on three key factors: data, audience psychology, and your unique strengths and resources. Here's the “secret” to our success:

  • Diagnosis – Just like you wouldn’t take medication without a diagnosis, you shouldn’t dive into marketing without understanding the root problem. In our Free Diagnostic Call, we’ll identify exactly where and why your marketing is falling short and create a targeted plan to fix it.

  • Psychological Principles – Growing a business isn’t as simple as following generic advice. Just like plants need the right conditions to thrive, your marketing strategy needs to be backed by psychological principles that align with your audience’s needs. In our Strategy Sessions, we go beyond tactics like “Post 5x a week” and focus on how to connect with your audience for real results.

  • Effective Implementation – Marketing success is all about consistency and refinement. We don’t just give you a plan and leave you hanging. Through group coaching, team training, and other support options, we help you execute and optimize your strategy for maximum impact over time.

These 3 focuses ensure you're not guessing or wasting time—you're building a marketing strategy that truly works.

Top Services

After your Diagnostic Call, we typically recommend two key options to get your marketing back on track and under your control:

  1. Quarterly Strategy Sessions + As Needed Team Trainings: This combo brings clarity and excitement to your marketing efforts. Quarterly Strategy Sessions keep you focused on strategic planning and regularly optimize your approach for better results. Adding team training ensures your employees gain the skills needed to execute effectively. It’s like going from no game plan to having a full football team, strategy, and playing field.


  1. 1:1 Consulting: For busy business owners, our personalized consulting brings in one of our experts as your Fractional Marketing Manager. This saves you time and money by handing off the training, managing, and tracking of your team’s marketing efforts, so you can focus on other priorities. Let us take the reins and drive your marketing success.

But that’s just the start. With these strategies in place, you’ll not only gain control of your marketing—you’ll be set up to scale your business with confidence and efficiency. It’s time to stop guessing and start winning with a plan that’s built to last.


So, what does all of this information mean for you?

Let’s go back to the question I asked in the beginning:

What would you do if HOW to make money in your business was no longer a question?

If your business was no longer struggling with inconsistent marketing, but thriving with a strategy that’s custom-tailored to your strengths, goals, and unique audience? What would you do?

The things I’ve laid out in this blog are all to say one thing: it isn’t just a dream—it’s exactly what we help you achieve at Spiritual Startups.

We’ve seen time and again how personalized strategies, backed by data and audience psychology, can completely transform a business. Now it’s your turn to experience that transformation.

If you're ready to take control of your marketing, stop guessing, and start seeing real results, the first step is simple: book your Free Diagnostic Call today. Let’s uncover what’s holding you back and create a clear, effective plan to propel your business forward.

Your next level of success is waiting—are you ready to reach it? Book your call now!

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