Work With an Expert To

Build A Marketing Plan Made to Get Results for Your Business Goals

Stop wasting your time and money on generic marketing solutions that don't bring real, consistent results. Success comes from a personalized strategy tailored to your business.

Ready to find what works for you? Click below to get started.

Our Strategy Session is Designed to Make Sure You Get:

Real, Consistent Results from Your Marketing

Marketing is not at all easy. But I don't have to tell you that.

At this point, you've already tried most, if not all, of the methods that the gurus say will help you hit your revenue goals. You've tried to show up online, hired experts, took classes, and more. But it feels like no matter how much time and money you spend; the ROI is too little or inconsistent to make a difference.

That leaves a question: How do you make real and consistent revenue from your marketing?

To answer this, I'll tell you what I tell all my clients: you NEED a strategy.

And I don't mean the type of strategy that tells you to post online 5x/ a day, turn your business upside down, and invest thousands into implementation you can't maintain.

At Spiritual Startups, we believe in a personalized approach to marketing rather than a "one size fits all" strategy. Our experts get to know you and your business, uncovering what makes you unique—your mission, strengths, and resources.

In our Strategy Sessions, we mix this insight with marketing know-how and psychology to create a strategy that's not only effective but also scalable and true to your business.

To make things easier, we turn your strategy into a straightforward, step-by-step plan to help you smoothly implement it.

Stop wasting time and money on empty promises. Book your diagnostic call today and start seeing real, consistent results from your marketing.

About Spiritual Startups

Empowering Your Purpose-Driven Journey

You know that saying, "God put that dream in your heart for a reason." It's 100% true. Ephesians 2:10 reminds us, "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."

Spiritual Startups was founded on the belief that each of us has a God-given purpose, and for some, that purpose is entrepreneurial. While money isn't everything, it's crucial for funding the kingdom missions we've been given and fulfilling our purpose to the best of our ability.

One of the biggest challenges many face is a lack of funding, which is a leading factor in why over 90% of businesses close within the first 10 years. So, how can you defy these odds and give yourself the best chance to succeed? That’s where we come in.

Spiritual Startups offers marketing education to service-based companies of all sizes. Through Strategy Building, Training Sessions, Consulting, and more, we help businesses create and implement personalized marketing plans that lead to real, consistent revenue. Whether you're starting up or starting over, we’re here to guide you.

If you’re here, you’re likely still searching for a marketing approach that works for you. The good news? You don’t have to figure it out alone. Click the button below to connect with one of our experts and start walking the path designed especially for you.

What to Expect in a Strategy Session:

Our 2 Hour Strategy Session is designed to help you build or optimize a marketing strategy you can implement right away. Before the session, you'll complete an intake form that covers your goals, current tactics, and other key details, ensuring we make the most of our time together.

During the session, you'll collaborate with one of our experts to craft your Marketing Strategy. We keep the process conversational so you can focus on brainstorming while we handle the note taking and plan development.

Within 24 to 48 hours after your session, you'll receive a recording, detailed session notes, and a step-by-step implementation plan to guide you in applying your new strategy.

To support your learning, we include three months of complimentary group coaching with your first Strategy Session. We recommend Quarterly Strategy Sessions to review and optimize your efforts, as strategizing regularly leads to compounding growth.

Ready to move from confusion to clarity? Click the button below to connect with an expert and start building a marketing plan that works for you.

Here's How It Works...

Meet with one of our experts to pinpoint why you're not getting the results you want from your marketing and ensure we're a good match.

Work together to build a Marketing Strategy designed to get results for your unique business goals, strengths, and resources.

Utilize Quarterly Strategy Sessions and/or Group Coaching opportunities for ongoing support and compounded growth.

What's Included?

Detailed Notes and a Recording of the Session to Review as Many Times as Neede.

A Fully Outlined Marketing Strategy and Implementation Plan.

3 Months of Complimentary Group Coaching to Support Your New Approach.

"Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life's distractions. Watch where you are going! Stick to the path of truth, and the road will be safe and smooth before you." Proverbs 4:25-27

Pricing Options

Quarterly Strategy Sessions

$375/ Session

Schedule your 1 time or Quarterly Strategy Session to start seeing consistent, predictable results in your marketing efforts.

Click the button below to get started.

Quarterly Strategy Sessions + Monthly Group Coaching

$225/ Month

Sign up to join in on our monthly group coaching calls in addition to your Quarterly Strategy Sessions for regular guidance and support from our experts.


  1. What's the difference between a business consultant and a marketing consultant?

This is a great question! The primary difference is that a business consultant or coach focuses on the entire business, where as a marketing consultant focuses only on how to make the marketing successful utilizing the resources already available to you. While some business coaches do overview marketing, very few of them dive deep into marketing plans or offer the opportunity to have a person on your team handle the strategizing and team trainings for you. On the other end, a marketing consultant does not dive into other business details such as operations, hiring, and more logistics that business consultants focus on. Because of this, it's extremely beneficial to work with both companies when moving towards your business goals. We are proud to be partnered with ActionCoach and have worked with countless business owners to complement their work and improve their success rate.

  1. What is a Marketing Strategy and why do I need it?

    A Marketing Strategy is a plan that takes into consideration both WHAT and HOW you are going about marketing. While many people are marketing their business by posting online, networking, and other tactics, very few business owners actually have a strategy that takes into consideration the psychological components of their customer and how each of their tactics are flowing together. Believe it or not, these small details can make or break the success of your campaign. Don't miss out on results doing the right things, the wrong way.

  1. How do I know if I'm ready to talk to a Marketing Consultant?

Having a conversation with a Marketing Consultant is one of the first things you should do in your business. This is because you need to be making money to have a business. If you don't have a plan for marketing, even a basic one, you're likely not making money. You can click here to book your free Diagnostic Call and talk to one of our experts about the right steps for you.

Ready to See Real, Consistent Marketing Results?

Marketing can be tough, and you’ve likely tried everything—guru advice, online presence, hiring experts—only to find inconsistent or minimal ROI. The key to achieving real, consistent revenue is a strategy that’s tailored specifically to your business.

At Spiritual Startups, we focus on understanding your unique strengths and mission, using that insight to craft a scalable, effective marketing plan. We then break it down into a clear, step-by-step implementation guide, making it easy to manage.

Don’t waste any more time or money on approaches that don’t work—book your diagnostic call today and start seeing real results.